About this Policy

Vibrante Tourism takes its data protection and privacy responsibilities seriously.

Please read the following privacy policy (Privacy Policy) to understand how we use and protect the personal information you provide to us, or we receive and collect when you use our services, including how we collect it, and what we do with it, as well as some of the steps we take to safeguard your personal information.  We hope that this will help you make an informed decision about sharing personal information with us.  

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time to keep it up to date with legal requirements and the way we operate our business. You are responsible for reviewing this Privacy Policy periodically and informing yourself of any changes to this Privacy Policy. We suggest that you check back regularly to review any changes.

What Information do we collect about you?

Making an Enquiry or Booking a Trip

We will collect certain information from you when you make an enquiry or book a trip with us. Depending on your interaction with us and what products and services you use, typically we collect the following personal information:

  • your full name, date of birth, gender (i.e. male/female/other), title, postal address, phone number, email address, travel insurance details, passport details (including nationality and city of birth), passport scan, visa application, visa page scan;
  • we may also ask for medical / health information, such as pre-existing medical conditions, vaccination status, if you have a disability, medication that requires refrigeration, food allergies etc., some of which is considered sensitive information or special category data under relevant data protection laws; and
  • any additional information you provide during the booking process to check if a trip is right for you, which may include personal information.

We also process and store records of the products and services you have enquired about or purchased from us, as well as collect and process information relevant to your booking (such as flights and accommodation details) that you have not booked through Vibrante Tourism, where this information has been passed to us by our partners and/or third parties.

If Vibrante Tourism is offering visa support or assisting you with applying for a visa, you may be asked to provide additional information, including for example, your occupation, your father’s personal information, marital status, your spouse’s personal information, your children’s personal information, employment and education history and social media tags. If you are providing us with the personal information of another person, you must ensure that you inform these persons of the information that you intend to provide to us, and that those you represent are aware of the content of our Privacy Policy and consent to your acting on their behalf.

We also collect your technical identity data (including IP addresses, browser type and versions, other technology on the device that you use to access our websites, some of which is collected automatically), as well as information about your usage of our websites as you and others browse our website.

We may also receive information about you from other sources. These include business partners, such as our affiliate partners, travel providers and tour operators, travel agents and other independent third parties. Anything we receive from these sources may be combined with information provided by you.

Travel providers (e.g. accommodation, hotel, transport and other similar local providers (Travel Providers) may also share personal information about you with Vibrante Tourism, for example, to ensure fulfillment of your travel reservation, if you have support questions about a tour or trip booked, or if any complaints or disputes arising about your reservation.

Photo and Video

When you are travelling with us on a tour or branded trip, as part of your experience a photo or video may be taken either by the Intrepid leader, an employee of Vibrante Tourism or one of our partners or another passenger. We care about your privacy so if you do not wish for your photograph to be taken at any time, or to be included in any video, please let your tour group leader or the photographer know. Any photos taken by Vibrante Tourism staff (including employees and group leaders) will not be used for marketing purposes without your prior knowledge. Whilst we take every precaution to protect your privacy, we are not responsible for passengers who may take your photograph or video you without our knowledge.

On some occasions, we may engage professional photographers to take and obtain photos to use in our marketing materials. We ensure that all of our customers are notified prior to travelling on our trips if a professional photographer is being engaged and you have the right to say no or opt-out of being included in any photos being taken for these purposes, including any subsequent content or images use.

Why do we collect your information?

We collect, hold and handle your personal information for a variety of business purposes (further information on each of which is set out below), including to:

  • provide you with our and our partner travel products and services, administer your reservations and tours;
  • if you are a business partner, supplier or agents, to manage our business relationship with you;
  • contact you and process your communications with us, for example, to respond to your queries or complaints, or if we need to tell you something important, or invite you to complete a booking (e.g. if started but not finished a tour reservation online);
  • generally improve our products and services and your user experience with us;
  • comply with our legal obligations and assist government and law enforcement agencies or regulators; and
  • carry out our marketing activities, including identify and tell you about other travel related products or services that we think may be of interest to you, process feedback forms and other similar communications.

Under applicable privacy and data protection laws (including EU/UK GDPR), for Intrepid to collect, hold, use, share and process your information we must have a purpose and legal basis to do so. The legal basis may differ depending on your interaction with us and what information we collect and process, which will fall under:

Necessary for the performance of a contract – When you make an enquiry or book a trip with us or any of our partners, we rely on the legal basis that the processing of your personal information is necessary for the performance of your contract with us  i.e. completing a travel reservation as part of your planned itinerary and administering your booking.

Legitimate Interest – Our legitimate interest means your information has a commercial business purpose and is necessary in order to provide a product or service to you and does not override your rights and freedoms as an individual. For example; as a travel customer, we collect your email address for the purpose of communicating with you when necessary to communicate about the product or service you’re requesting or booking, and for Intrepid to provide you with relevant information. If you are a business partner, we may process your contact information in order to manage our relationship with you.

Legal Obligations – in certain circumstances we will need to use your information to comply with our legal obligations, for example, to comply with local laws in the country you are visiting.

Vital Interest – we rely on the legal basis of vital interest in certain limited circumstances where it is essential to you and your health that we process your personal information; for example, to contact medical providers / insurance providers in the case of any medical emergency.

Providing your personal data to us is voluntary. However, we may not be able to fulfill your reservation and your experience may be affected if certain personal information is not provided. We may only be able to provide you with some products and services if we can only collect some personal data. For example, we can’t process your travel booking if we don’t collect your name and contact details.

Making an Enquiry or Booking a Trip

We use your personal information to arrange and provide you with the products and services you have requested and booked. This includes booking any flights, transportation, accommodation and activities. The following will provide more insight into these purposes:

  • Your personal information will be used by our group leaders to identify you and ensure your safety during the trip.
  • Depending on your destination and services being booked for you, we may be required by the supplier to provide certain types of personal information in order to secure the booking. We may also be legally required by local laws and governments to provide travel documentation such as passport details or a passport scan.
  • Your contact details will be collected in order to manage our relationship with you, including updates about your booking, providing relevant information and any applicable tickets, handling feedback and complaints, and to contact you in the event of an emergency.
  • Providing relevant information, which may include sensitive information, to insurance providers, their agents and medical staff in circumstances where we/they need to act on your behalf or in the interest of passengers or in an emergency.

Vibrante Tourism

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